PAWS      Paths Around Willersey Scheme      PAWS

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Paths Around Willersey Scheme

Have you heard about the P.A.W.S group yet?

Willersey is a beautiful place to live, and is a lovely village to walk around, for residents or visitors. Sadly, this isn't the case if you are a wheelchair user, pushing a heavy pushchair, or have mobility issues! The main footpath route around the village leaves a great deal to be desired. In many places the greens have overgrown paths to such an extent that most of the path cannot be seen, let alone used.

The area of path close to the Methodist church is unusable to many, owing to the terrain of the ground. The steep incline and sudden drop, causes such difficulties for some, that they face using the busy main road, close to the blind bend, to negotiate the route.

In some areas there is no footpath at all, merely grass. This is fine when dry, however when wet it proves almost impossible for some people to use. There is a responsibility to provide equal opportunity and in this regard the village seems to be failing. Some of the route falls under the responsibility of the Parish Council and some under Gloucestershire County Highways. Funding for the rectification of such defects is a considerable problem.

The Parish council has established a working party known as the P.A.W.S. (Paths Around Willersey Scheme), group. It is made up of four villagers, who approached the council with concerns about the paths, and four members of the Parish Council. The establishment objective is: To improve Willersey's main footpaths around the village, in regard to accessibility for users.

The group will work under the auspices of the Parish Council. It will examine aspects for footpath improvement and the means by which they might be achieved. These will be reported back to the Parish council for consideration of implementation. Please look out for future publications bearing the above logo. Public help and co-operation will be needed to achieve improvements. There will be opportunity for you to get involved, should you wish. Not only will you be helping others, you will be giving something back to this beautiful village of ours.

Donald: Chairperson PAWS Group.
Contact email:-

Here are some picture examples from around Willersey. Please click on the thumbnail for a larger version.

Path 1 2024

This area of Pathway at the Collin Lane end of the village is overgrown by about 30 cm of turf.

Path2 2024

This pathway on the Broadway Road is also about 30 cm overgrown by turf.

Path 32024

This corner of Path opposite the pub is overgrown by turf and the width reduction can be clearly seen.

Path4 2024

This area close to the garage has almost no path left. It is unsuitable for many users.

Path5 2024

This Pathway is close to the Methodist Church, and is inaccessible for many users. They are forced to use the dangerous road.

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