Traffic through Willersey
Traffic through Willersey. “ " Originally the Broadway bypass on the A44 did not exist so all traffic went through Broadway High Street and as Evesham did not have the A46 bypass, the A46 went through Willersey. Traffic was much lighter in those days. The Evesham bypass opened in 1987 which in time took on the function and name of the A46 and the Broadway bypass opened in 1998 to take the A44 traffic. The original A46 in Willersey is now renamed the B4632. The place names on the road signs have not been altered so if you want to go to Stratford from Evesham you are sent up the Broadway bypass and down Main Street in Willersey rather than along Collin Lane. Satnavs are more sensible! They send you along Collin Lane. Gloucester Highways have installed some flashing warning signs on the greens with road markings for 20mph spped limit during school hours. Willersey is just off the A44 where it runs from Oxford to Evesham. It is well signposted at the Evesham end of this section of the A44. Willersey has very few double yellow lines and parking restrictions but you are also very welcome to park (for free) in the Village car park behind the Village Hall at any time. When driving from the Broadway direction to Willersey there is a very sharp left hand bend opposite the Methodist Church. If you wish to turn right up Campden Lane at this point, because of poor visibility it may be better to go down Main Street, turn round and approach the junction from a safer, different direction. This picture shows a lorry negotiating this sharp bend and being forced to come across the whole road. Here are two more pictures of lorries negotiating this sharp bend.   In freezing weather, Campden Lane which is very steep can become lethal when it gets a layer of ice on it (toboggan run)! Often there is a stream running down the road which adds to the problem. As it is not a main road it rarely gets gritted. It is best avoided in these conditions. Use the A44 Fish Hill instead which is higher on the priority list for winter gritting and salting.   The medieval master plan in the early 1400s forgot to add spaces for cars! In the 17th Century stagecoaches were accommodated but mainly through large arches and around the back of properties. Master planners in the 50's, 60's, and 70's were not so wise and thought we would all only have one car and a small one at that! The same applied to garages so nowadays the only way to get most modern cars into garages is to push them in and pull them out. Even more modern houses can still have this problem. The garage frequently ends up as a storage area. The top five selling cars in the UK in the 1960s were on average 4ft 11in wide and 12ft 9in long. Carsin 2020 had grown to 5ft 11in wide and 14ft 1in long. Garages are still 6ft 11in wide! Even on most modern developments, the garages have not been made larger. Cars now get parked on streets. In 1965 there were 7.7 million registered cars in UK. Now there are 31.7 million. Congestion on road space will intensify. The Two Build Outs in Collin Lane, Willersey are now Complete. Here is a drivers eye view of the build out heading out of Willersey. Build Outs in Collin Lane At a Parish Council Meeting at 7:30pm on Monday February 20th 2023 the main business of the meeting was to decide on a preferred action to improve the safety of the build outs in Collin Lane and to lobby for its implementation. The meeting was attended by our County Councillor Lynden Stowe, Willersey Parish councillors and members of the public. In total 40 people were present. Recent government road safety protocol now requires all chicanes to have street lighting. The options to be considered were: A. Change nothing and have mandatory street lights installed. B. Remove the build outs completely. C. Remove the eastern one and leave the one at Nash Rd. Willow Green crossing with speed humps & signage. D. Something else. After much discussion the meeting voted on different courses of action. Almost all those present voted for option C to remove the eastern build out and leave the other in place. A raised platform in the road with sloped sides and dragons teeth road markings would slow traffic and could act as a crossing point. More signage was needed to alert traffic to the village 30mph limit and the pedestrian crossing point. These recommendations would go to the Parish Council and would then be taken up by Lynden Stowe with Gloucestershire County Council. For more information / 01386 853635 Collin Lane Build Outs Update November 2024 Following the public meeting, the Parish Council has been working with our County Councillor Lynden Stowe to try and get the western bollard removed and more traffic calming measures introduced. After numerous emails, Freedom of Information requests and onsite meetings we regret that the email below has been received from Gloucester CC Highways indicating that our efforts may have been in vain. The Parish Council will continue to protest the case and updates will be published in the magazine. Highways Email November 18th As you may remember, GCC were asked to carry out traffic camera surveys to monitor driver behaviour at the buildouts on Collin Lane, Willersey. The Highway Legal Agreements team have met with the Road Safety Team and discussed this at length. It was concluded that carrying out camera surveys to monitor driver behaviour is highly subjective, and open to interpretation by the individual reviewing the survey, therefore, camera surveys will not be undertaken. The priority buildouts were provided as part of a planning application to address the issue of speeding vehicles on Collin Lane. Speed surveys have been carried out, which showed a reduction in vehicle speed following the introduction of the buildouts. Removing the buildouts will likely increase vehicle speeds on Collin Lane, which will increase the likelihood and severity of any future collisions. GCC's Road Safety Team have requested that the buildouts are to be illuminated as this would help to ensure the features are obvious during the hours of darkness. The presence of street lighting also reinforces the 30mph speed limit. The developer is preparing a street lighting design and amendments to road signs and markings, as well as improvements to visibility where necessary. Once the developer's proposals have been approved by the highway authority, these remaining works will be carried out by the developer. I do not yet have a date for this, but you will be updated accordingly. Willersey Parish Council has been using its influence to try and improve the build outs scheme. A log of incidents has been kept and it would be helpful if anyone who has had a near miss or accident to report brief details including date, time and nature of incident by email to The information will form part of the pressure we are exerting on Gloucestershire Highways Dept. to resolve the matter. In November 2018 and again in January 2022, one of the bollards had been broken off. Amey delivers highways services across Gloucestershire. Here is a letter from Amey about a consultation on the proposed build outs in Collin Lane. This is the latest plan for the build outs ( and here is an earlier plan.) The last offical date for comments was Friday 3rd March 2017. The greatest concentration of road accidents in Willersey happen at the mini roundabout at the bottom of Main Street. Two places locally with poor visibility junctions are where Campden Lane meets Buckle Street and where the road to Honeybourne meets the B4035. A safer route up Campden Lane, would be to drive through Saintbury and then up the escarpment. To approach the Honeybourne Road from a safer direction go into Weston-sub-Edge and turn left by the Village Hall. HONEYBOURNE CROSSROADS SURVEY - 5 MINUTES TO HELP IMPROVE ROAD SAFETY At a Weston Sub Edge village meeting in early 2023 concerns were expressed about safety at the B4035 Honeybourne Crossroads. Data is only collected by the authorities on Blue Light incidents where an ambulance, fire engine and or the police were called. This survey is an attempt to add to that data with further information on Blue Light and non Blue Light incidents to help action to be taken. We are interested in both actual accidents i.e. collisions AND near misses. Your answers will be held in confidence and only shared as a summary unless you choose to be involved in any further investigation on an individual basis. Even if you haven't had any direct involvement in an accident, or a near miss, you can still contribute your improvement ideas at the end of the survey. There has been ongoing dialogue with Gloucestershire Highways but the accident rate does not seem to improve - please help us provide the data to encourage GH to act. Thank you. PLEASE COMPLETE THE SURVEY BY CLICKING ON THIS LINK:. In March 2022 the speed enforcement team were situated on Station Road, Broadway by the railway bridge in response to concern reported from residents. OPU Worcestershire tweeted: Unfortunately, 26 offences detected in just over an hour, please slow down. According to the West Mercia Police website, the minimum penalty for speeding is a £100 fine and three penalty points added to your licence. Closure of Collin Lane from December 6th 2021. Closure of Collin Lane from January 18th 2021.