We thought it about time we updated you on our progress so far. But before launching in to detail I'd like to thank you for your support, even though you may not have been called upon to perform a service yet.
We have no idea for how long lockdown will continue but it seems pretty likely that those shielding and self-isolating may have to do so for quite some time to come and we are confident that the systems
we now have in place are there when they are needed. This could not have been achieved without knowing we had the resources to back up the services we thought would be needed.
We have carried out over 100 calls for help/service visits to parishioners in the village. We have answered calls for help from distant relatives of vulnerable parishioners whose family
are not able to support them. We have identified individuals who we, and others, consider vulnerable but they themselves do not and we are embarking on making a gentle approach to them
to ensure they are healthy and keeping safe. Support has been offered to parishioners returning from hospital. We have even offered our support for a racing pigeon, who I'm pleased to
report has headed, we hope, home! We are privileged to live in such a lovely and supportive village with such a caring community.
Keep up the good work it is very much appreciated.
Willersey Covid-19 Steering Group. 3rd May 2020 💓
Our flyer sent in the beginning of April 2020 to every house in Willersey. Click on the images for a larger version.
Here is an outline of the services that we want to offer to Parishioners.
We need a consistent approach and hope this clarifies what we can now offer.
please do not deviate from this without consulting the Steering Group. We have produced a flyer for every household so that Parishioners are left in no-doubt about what they can ask for.
I hope this is clear. Any concerns please let us know. Keep safe and thank you for all you are, or will be, doing.
The Steering Group.
Note to AC's and Volunteers. We wanted to clarify the process around taking care of Parishioners' Basic Needs and the services we wish to provide
and make this clear to you and to the people we want to support in our community.
The Steering Group agreed that we would provide three basic, but very important, services.
Helping parishioners with shopping It was agreed that, in conjunction with Nisa and the CoOp we will help parishioners with provisions to see them through this period of self-isolation.
The CoOp are offering an
order and collect service, order between 10.00am and 1.00pm; Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, on 01386 842870. Once again we are suggesting that parishioners
place and pay for the order, the CoOp have put together a list of 30 essential items (see attached flyer which will go out to parishioners shortly). Once the items are ready, the CoOp will let
the parishioners know, who will then let their volunteer know that it is ready for collection.
Because we do not know the level of future demand that we might face we are asking Area Coordinators and Volunteers not to deviate from the above. We have seen shopping requests
for specific items from specific stores and this we feel adds complexity, risk and additional demands on volunteer’s time. To avoid confusion and to set expectations we will make this clear
in the flyer we send out.
Delivering Prescriptions We want to ensure that parishioners have access to important medications that are keeping them well and avoid the need for them to visit doctors' surgeries.
Barn Close Surgery will deliver prescriptions to the Willersey Village Shop at 9.00am on a Friday We are asking Area Coordinators and Volunteers to encourage parishioners to tell Barn Close this is what
they would like. If a prescription is urgent i.e. can’t wait for the Friday delivery then a volunteer should collect it, making sure before heading off to the surgery that it is ready for collection and
any future prescriptions should be added to the Friday delivery. In the past some powerful medications, like Morphine, could not be delivered in this way but for the duration of this crisis the policy has been relaxed.
For Parishioners registered at Chipping Campden surgery there is
no delivery system in place and Volunteers will be asked to collect prescriptions from there. If they are making the trip please can they put
a time that they intend to go to Campden on the WhatApp group chat to avoid others having to make the trip on the same day.
We have some parishioners who are not registered at the above surgeries e.g. Moreton in Marsh, we are asking them to have their medications sent directly to them, but some medicines can not be sent
and on these very rare occasions we are asking volunteers to collect them. They tend to be medicines which need to be chilled like insulin.
Welfare Calls One of the most important services we can offer is to be on the other end of a telephone for people who are lonely or frightened.
If this is a role you are happy to take on as a volunteer (particularly if your circumstances change and you need to self-isolate or are uncomfortable with shopping
or prescription pick-up & delivery), please let your area coordinator know as soon as possible. A friendly telephone call to check up on any parishioners who have come forward
and asked for help will go a long way to ease their worries and concerns. The steering group are also in the process of compiling a list of the most vulnerable in our parish
and hoping to obtain phone numbers with a targeted flyer which will be delivered to their home, asking them to make contact. With their permission, we should soon be in a
position to give these to you so you can strike up regular contact with them.
If you'd like to volunteer to help in the village during this time please email
to add your name to our helpers list.
Please include in your email: Your Name and Address
Preferred Email address Mobile phone number
WhatsApp? Yes/No
Please don't call the new helpline number on the flier unless you are in need of help!
Here are guidelines for our volunteers.
Many thanks everyone...
Dear Fellow Villagers,
Caring Hands is a church based organisation in Evesham, operating out of The Vale Christian Centre. They're short of some produce for their FoodBank,
as the numbers of those in need increases. This is an invitation to help if you wanted to and are able. They are short of canned meat, the sort of
item which is close to a meal in itself. In addition they require bathroom cleaner and air freshener. Currently they're well off for; baked beans,
soup, rice and pasta. Should you provide these items they will, of course, still be gratefully received.
It may be useful if our great COVID 19 volunteers, if they were free, could help with collection. Or you can deliver full bags direct to my home,
please no loose cans. Please link with neighbours, a street or friends in your village group to fill a bag. I will transfer to Caring Hands.
If you want to help please give what you're able when you’re able, if I passed on some supplies once a fortnight or so it would be a great help,
thank you. I fear this is an ongoing crisis.
Ken, call 858637
Remarkably all the covid-19 virus in the world could fit into a teaspoon.
Our first flyer sent near the end of March 2020 to every house in Willersey. Click on the image for a larger version.
The virus doesn't move. People move it. We stop moving. The virus stops moving.
The virus dies. It's that simple.
On some surfaces the virus can die quickly but it appears the longest it can survive is 72 hours.
You cannot get easily infected by eating the virus (unless you have bad teeth.)
Gloucestershire Mobile Testing Unit (MTU) locations for covid-19:
Stow RFC, Oddington Road, Stow on the Wold, GL54 1JJ (from Wednesday 8th July 2020)
Stratford Park Leisure Centre, Stroud
The Collin Close Covid Collective & Choir
Collin Close has been hosting a weekly outdoor sing along on the green which started on the back of the NHS clap. Its beginnings were two lonely trumpets, one very much a beginner, the sound wasn't great but the
enthusiasm more than made up for it. Over the weeks more and more members from Collin Close and further afield have been persuaded to join the band, and also create a choir. Our newest member Jenny means we have
now reached our first target of 19 members – perhaps the band should be renamed Covid 19!
The whole ethos of the band is to have fun and hopefully entertain the kind villagers who encourage our efforts. We try to play a broad mix of music ranging from reggae and pop music to soul, sea shanties
and musicals, anyone can suggest a song to be added to the play list for future performances, if it can be written in a format easy enough for us to cope with we'll have a go.
We would love to expand the group further and any ability &/or instrument is welcome (except perhaps professionals as we’re probably not good enough to cope with them!) The music that Ben
(our musical director) writes is adjusted to meet the skills of the band so any part can be rewritten to suit your ability or preference.
Special mention should be made for Beat Master Pete & Gi, whose garden we have been using for practice, and to Sandra, whose electricity we have been using for performances on the green since acquiring
an electric bass player and harmonica. Whilst the weather permits, we will continue to play on Wednesdays, moving to a 7pm start due to the light starting to fade. As soon as consensus decides it's a bit
too nippy to be standing outside, we will be relocating to the skittles room at the New Inn, initially with performances being every other week, but this may change depending on demand.
If you would like to join our merry band please don't hesitate to get in touch, with enough new members we could reach Covid nnnnnnnn ninety!
Beccie, becciewilliams181@hotmail.com, 07894634497
Band members (in no particular order) : Beccie, Ben, Gi, Penny, Alex, Bob, Lena, Laura, Sandra, Robert, Pete, Chrissy, Kev, Christopher, Zac, Reyka, Robert, Sheila, & Jenny.
The Prime Minister Boris Johnson's coronavirus speech to the nation 10th May 2020.
It is now almost two months since the people of this country began to put up with restrictions on their freedom – your freedom – of a kind that we have never seen before in peace or war.
And you have shown the good sense to support those rules overwhelmingly. You have put up with all the hardships of that programme of social distancing
because you understand that as things stand, and as the experience of every other country has shown, it's the only way to defeat the coronavirus - the most vicious threat this country has faced in my lifetime.
And though the death toll has been tragic, and the suffering immense, and though we grieve for all those we have lost,
It is a fact that by adopting those measures we prevented this country from being engulfed by what could have been a catastrophe in which the reasonable worst case scenario was half a million fatalities.
And it is thanks to your effort and sacrifice in stopping the spread of this disease that the death rate is coming down and hospital admissions are coming down.
And thanks to you we have protected our NHS and saved many thousands of lives.
And so I know - you know - that it would be madness now to throw away that achievement by allowing a second spike.
We must stay alert.
We must continue to control the virus and save lives and yet we must also recognise that this campaign against the virus has come at colossal cost to our way of life.
We can see it all around us in the shuttered shops, abandoned businesses and darkened pubs & restaurants.
There are millions of people who are both fearful of this terrible disease, and at the same time also fearful of what this long period of enforced
inactivity will do to their livelihoods and their mental and physical well being, and to their futures and the futures of their children.
So I want to provide tonight - for you - the shape of a plan to address both fears, both to beat the virus and provide the first sketch of a road map for reopening society.
A sense of the way ahead, and when and how and on what basis we will take the decisions to proceed.
I will be setting out more details in Parliament tomorrow and taking questions from the public in the evening.
I have consulted across the political spectrum, across all four nations of the UK.
And though different parts of the country are experiencing the pandemic at different rates, and though it is right to be flexible in our response
I believe that as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom – Scotland, England, Wales, Northern Ireland, there is a strong resolve to defeat this together.
There is today a general consensus on what we could do.
And I stress could. Because although we have a plan, it is a conditional plan.
And since our priority is to protect the public and save lives, we cannot move forward unless we satisfy the five tests.
We must protect our NHS.
We must see sustained falls in the death rate.
We must see sustained and considerable falls in the rate of infection.
We must sort out our challenges in getting enough PPE to the people who need it, and yes, it is a global problem but we must fix it.
And last, we must make sure that any measures we take do not force the reproduction rate of the disease - the R - back up over one, so that we have the kind of exponential growth we were facing a few weeks ago.
To chart our progress and to avoid going back to square one, we are establishing a new Covid Alert System run by a new Joint Biosecurity Centre.
That Covid Alert Level will be determined primarily by R and the number of coronavirus cases.
In turn that Covid Alert Level will tell us how tough we have to be in our social distancing measures – the lower the level the fewer the measures.
The higher the level, the tougher and stricter we will have to be.
There will be five alert levels.
Level One means the disease is no longer present in the UK and Level Five is the most critical. Its the kind of situation we could have had if the NHS had been overwhelmed.
Over the period of the lockdown we have been in Level Four, and it is thanks to your sacrifice we are now in a position to begin to move in steps to Level Three.
And as we go everyone will have a role to play in keeping the R down by staying alert and following the rules. To keep pushing the number of infections down there are two more things we must do.
We must reverse rapidly the awful epidemics in care homes and in the NHS, and though the numbers are coming down sharply now, there is plainly much more to be done.
If we are to control this virus, then we must have a world-beating system for testing potential victims, and for tracing their contacts.
So that, all told we are testing literally hundreds of thousands of people every day.
We have made fast progress on testing – but there is so much more to do now, and we can.
When this began, we hadn't seen this disease before, and we didn't fully understand its effects. With every day we are getting more and more data.
We are shining the light of science on this invisible killer, and we will pick it up where it strikes.
Because our new system will be able in time to detect local flare-ups in your area as well as giving us a national picture.
And yet when I look at where we are tonight, we have the R below one, between 0.5 and 0.9, but potentially only just below one.
Though we have made progress in satisfying at least some of the conditions I have given.
We have by no means fulfilled all of them.
And so no, this is not the time simply to end the lockdown this week.
Instead we are taking the first careful steps to modify our measures.
We now need to stress that anyone who can't work from home, for instance those in construction or manufacturing, should be actively encouraged to go to work.
And we want it to be safe for you to get to work. So you should avoid public transport if at all possible because we must and will maintain social distancing, and capacity will therefore be limited.
So work from home if you can, but you should go to work if you can't work from home.
To ensure you are safe at work we have been working to establish new guidance for employers to make workplaces COVID-secure.
When you do go to work, if possible do so by car or even better by walking or bicycle. But just as with workplaces, public transport operators will also be following COVID-secure standards.
From this Wednesday, we want to encourage people to take more and even unlimited amounts of outdoor exercise. You can sit in the sun in your local park, you can drive to other destinations,
you can even play sports but only with members of your own household.
You must obey the rules on social distancing and to enforce those rules we will increase the fines for the small minority who break them.
Every day, with ever increasing data, we will be monitoring the R and the number of new infections, and the progress we are making, and if we as a nation begin to fulfil the conditions
I have set out, then in the next few weeks and months that we may be able to go further.
In step two at the earliest by June 1st after half term we believe we may be in a position to begin the phased reopening of shops and to get primary pupils back into schools, in stages,
beginning with reception, Year 1 and Year 6. Our ambition is that secondary pupils facing exams next year will get at least some time with their teachers before the holidays. And we will shortly be
setting out detailed guidance on how to make it work in schools and shops and on transport.
Step three, at the earliest by July, and subject to all these conditions and further scientific advice; if and only if the numbers support it, we will hope to re-open at least
some of the hospitality industry and other public places, provided they are safe and enforce social distancing.
Throughout this period of the next two months we will be driven not by mere hope or economic necessity. We are going to be driven by the science, the data and public health.
And I must stress again that all of this is conditional, it all depends on a series of big Ifs.
It depends on all of us - the entire country - to follow the advice, to observe social distancing, and to keep that R down.
To prevent re-infection from abroad, I am serving notice that it will soon be the time - with transmission significantly lower - to impose quarantine on people coming into this country by air.
It is because of your efforts to get the R down and the number of infections down here, that this measure will now be effective.
And of course we will be monitoring our progress locally, regionally, and nationally and if there are outbreaks, if there are problems, we will not hesitate to put on the brakes.
We have been through the initial peak - but it is coming down the mountain that is often more dangerous.
We have a route, and we have a plan, and everyone in government has the all-consuming pressure and challenge to save lives, restore livelihoods and gradually restore the freedoms that we need.
But in the end this is a plan that everyone must make work.
When I look at what you have done already.
The patience and common sense you have shown.
The fortitude of the elderly whose isolation we all want to end as fast as we can.
The incredible bravery and hard work of our NHS staff and our care workers.
The devotion and self-sacrifice of all those in every walk of life who are helping us to beat this disease.
Police, bus drivers, train drivers, pharmacists, supermarket workers, road hauliers, bin collectors, cleaners, security guards, postal workers, our teachers and a thousand more.
The scientists who are working round the clock to find a vaccine.
When I think of the millions of everyday acts of kindness and thoughtfulness that are being performed across this country
that have helped to get us through this first phase, I know that we can use this plan to get us through the next.
And if we can't do it by those dates, and if the alert level won't allow it, we will simply wait and go on until we have got it right.
We will come back from this devilish illness.
We will come back to health, and robust health.
Though the UK will be changed by this experience, I believe we can be stronger and better than ever before.
More resilient, more innovative, more economically dynamic, but also more generous and more sharing.
But for now we must stay alert, control the virus and save lives.
Thank you very much.
The Government's 50 page lockdown relaxing advice on May 10th.
The official Government Coronoavirus Website.
The Prime Minister's Address to the Nation on 27th April 2020 and
the Prime Minister's Address to the Nation on 23rd March 2020.
Gloucestershire News.
He said that people would only be allowed to leave home for:
* shopping for basic necessities, as infrequently as possible;
* one form of exercise a day - for example a run, walk, or cycle - alone or with members of your household;
* any medical need, to provide care or to help a vulnerable person;
* travelling to and from work, but only where this is absolutely necessary and cannot be done from home.
The text of the Queen's Address to the Nation 5th April 2020.
A video of the
Queen's Address to the Nation.
Why Washing With Soap & Water is Best
Pall Thordarson, Professor of Chemistry, University of New South Wales, Sydney
Viruses can be active outside the body for hours, even days. Disinfectants, liquids, wipes, gels and creams containing alcohol are all useful at getting rid of them – but they are not quite as good as normal soap.
Health authorities have been giving us two messages: once you have the virus there are no drugs that can kill it or help you get rid of it. But also, wash your hands to stop the virus spreading.
This seems odd. You can't, even for a million dollars, get a drug for the coronavirus – but your grandmother's bar of soap kills the virus.
So why does soap work so well on the Sars-CoV-2, the coronavirus and indeed most viruses?
Because the virus is a self-assembled nanoparticle in which the weakest link is the lipid (fatty) bilayer. Soap dissolves the fat membrane and the virus falls apart like a house of cards and dies
– or rather, we should say it becomes inactive as viruses aren't really alive.
Most viruses consist of three key building blocks: ribonucleic acid (RNA), proteins and lipids. A virus-infected cell makes lots of these building blocks, which then spontaneously self-assemble to form the virus.
Critically, there are no strong covalent bonds holding these units together, which means you do not necessarily need harsh chemicals to split those units apart. When an infected cell dies,
all these new viruses escape and go on to infect other cells. Some end up also in the airways of lungs.
When you cough, or especially when you sneeze, tiny droplets from the airways can fly up to 10 metres. The larger ones are thought to be the main coronavirus carriers and they can go at least two metres.
These tiny droplets end on surfaces and often dry out quickly. But the viruses remain active. Human skin is an ideal surface for a virus. It is “organic” and the proteins and fatty acids in the dead cells on the surface
interact with the virus.
When you touch, say, a steel surface with a virus particle on it, it will stick to your skin and hence get transferred on to your hands. If you then touch your face, especially your eyes, nostrils or mouth, you can get infected.
And it turns out that most people touch their face once every two to five minutes.
Washing the virus off with water alone might work. But water is not good at competing with the strong, glue-like interactions between the skin and the virus. Water isn't enough.
Soapy water is totally different. Soap contains fat-like substances known as amphiphiles, some of which are structurally very similar to the lipids in the virus membrane. The soap molecules “compete” with the lipids in the virus membrane. This is more or less how soap also removes normal dirt from the skin.
The soap not only loosens the “glue” between the virus and the skin but also the Velcro-like interactions that hold the proteins, lipids and RNA in the virus together.
Soap is the most effective method of protecting yourself.
Alcohol-based products, which pretty much includes all “disinfectant” products, contain a high-percentage alcohol solution (typically 60-80% ethanol) and kill viruses in a similar fashion.
But soap is better because you only need a fairly small amount of soapy water, which, with rubbing, covers your entire hand easily. Whereas you need to literally soak the virus in ethanol for a brief moment,
and wipes or rubbing a gel on the hands does not guarantee that you soak every corner of the skin on your hands effectively enough.
So, soap is the best, but you can use alcohol-based sanitiser, as a substitute, when soap is not handy or practical.
If you are the type of person whose hands become cracked with plenty of washing
then this article may be useful.
Thorough hand washing video.
Informed Covid-19 questions and answers.
Explanation of the virus shape. Click for a larger inage.
Prescription Delivery Service to Willersey
From Broadway's Barn Close Surgery Pharmacy
Parishioners who are incapacitated, or over 70 self-isolating in the at-risk group can contact can contact the surgery by phone to arrange for their prescriptions to be delivered to their home, direct from the surgery.
Any self-isolating or incapacitated parishioner needing to have their prescription delivered more urgently can phone the Barn Close pharmacy 01386 853651 and say “I wish my prescription
to be collected by a neighbour or a named person” or
“The Willersey Support Group” and arrange the collection with their neighbour or, if necessary, by contacting the Willersey Support Group
The Support Group Call Centre number is 0330 1070 300 /
The Bell Inn, Willersey
The Bell has introduced a daily
take-away and home delivery service of food. 01386 858405
Groceries, including fresh bread, milk, eggs & bacon etc can also be purchased and delivered.
Wayside Farm Shop, Wickhamford
Place orders by phone for groceries. Delivery to your home, next day or within 48 hours.
Produce is sourced locally, including fruit and vegetables, freshly-baked bread, homemade pies, quiches, jams, marmalade, chutney, pickles, cakes and scones. Also, licensed to sell beer, wines and cider.
If there is sufficient interest the Wayside Farm Shop will be introducing a mobile shop to visit the village full of groceries and homemade meals to buy at the van.
Call 01386 830546. 07483 404497 Will deliver for Free.
Cotteswold Dairy
Milk, bread, butter & spreads, cheese, yoghurts, eggs. Currently, expanding their delivery team rapidly.
Call 01242 672426
Badsey Butchers, Badsey
12 High Street, Badsey
Selling fresh meats but also homemade pies and sausages, gluten free products, ready meals, cheeses and a wide range of sauces.
Free home deliveries for orders over £15. Call 01386 830459
AP Meats, AlcesterVeg Box, Pershore
During this period, Veg Box has linked up with Clives of Cropthorne to provide home deliveries of fresh produce, kitchen basics and meat boxes.
Product range shown.
Call 01386 56240
Home deliveries of meat shipped within 2 days of receipt of order. Range available shown on their website: www.apmeats.co.uk
Call 01789 400115
NISA Local in Broadway
01386 859218 Order before 2pm. Pay over the phone. Collect from Shop.
Number 32 in Broadway
01386 306670 Order after 3pm for Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights 5pm to 8pm. £3 to deliver to Willersey.
Broadway Deli
07483 404497 Will deliver for Free.
Broadway Indian Restaurant
01386 859273 Now restarting take away. 5:30pm to 11pm.
Collins of Broadway
01386 852061 Will deliver for Free.
The Co-op in Broadway
01386 842870 Only on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. They take your order over the phone.
They ring back with price. You pay by card. The Willersey Covid-19 Group will pick it up for you.
Lawrance's Bakery
01386 442432 Fron Door Deliveries. Card payments over phone.
Veg Box, Pershore
During this period, Veg Box has linked up with Clives of Cropthorne to provide home deliveries of fresh produce, kitchen basics and meat boxes.
Product range shown.
Call 01386 56240
COVID-19 Update from Gloucestershire County Council 18th March 2020.
Updated guidance called ‘Staying at Home’ is now available online at
Stay at home guideance.
The main messages are:
* if you live alone and you have symptoms of coronavirus illness (COVID-19), however mild, stay at home for 7 days from when your symptoms started.
* if you live with others and you or one of them have symptoms of coronavirus, then all household members must stay at home and not leave the house for 14 days.
The 14-day period starts from the day when the first person in the house became ill.
* it is likely that people living within a household will infect each other or be infected already. Staying at home for 14 days will greatly reduce the overall amount of
infection the household could pass on to others in the community.
* for anyone in the household who starts displaying symptoms, they need to stay at home for 7 days from when the symptoms appeared, regardless of what day they are on in the original 14-day isolation period.
* if you can, move any vulnerable individuals (such as the elderly and those with underlying health conditions) out of your home, to stay with friends or family for the duration of the home isolation period.
* if you cannot move vulnerable people out of your home, stay away from them as much as possible.
* if you have coronavirus symptoms:
o do not go to a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital.
o you do not need to contact 111 to tell them you 're staying at home.
o testing for coronavirus is not needed if you 're staying at home.
* plan ahead and ask others for help to ensure that you can successfully stay at home and consider what can be done for vulnerable people in the household.
* ask your employer, friends and family to help you to get the things you need to stay at home.
* wash your hands regularly for 20 seconds, each time using soap and water, or use hand sanitiser.
* if you feel you cannot cope with your symptoms at home, or your condition gets worse, or your symptoms do not get better after 7 days, then use the
NHS 111 online coronavirus service.
If you do not have internet access, call NHS 111. For a medical emergency dial 999.
So you want to wear a facemask but there are none available to purchase. Why not make one from a handkerchief or some material.
It will also be washable and reusable.
First way or
similar second way.
(If you can, avoid high densities of people in say large blocks of flats, refugee camps, favelas, sports events, pop festivals, care homes, aircraft carriers, cruise ships and prisons!)
This may help
to explain to a child.
(Three year olds may understand intellectually but emotionally “Why is Grandma not visiting me now?”
Corona Virus Worldwide Statistics.
Do note that the figures for the USA and China are by state and not aggregated for the countries as a whole.
Another two sources of statistics
One .
Two for the UK.
Deaths per
one million of population.
Do note that any figures are likely to be lower than the actual numbers. Some countries do not have the infrastructure (or the will) to collect accurate figures.
Figures for UK only.
For Gloucestershire
enter your postcode or
enter it here.
Kings College in London
very accurate figures.
New Words for
The Sound of Music.
More new words for
The Sound of Music.
Always Look on the Bright Side of Life.
Thinking is the best way to Travel.
Somewhere over the Rainbow.
Socially distanced Morris Dancing!
Stay alert to stop coronavirus spreading. If you think you have the virus, do not go to your GP or hospital, stay indoors and
get advice online if you can.
Only call NHS 111 if you cannot cope with your symptoms at home; your condition gets worse; or your symptoms do not get better after seven days. (In parts of Wales where 111 isn't available, call NHS Direct on 0845 46 47.
In Scotland anyone with symptoms is advised to self-isolate for seven days. In Northern Ireland, call your GP.)